Zeva Bellel

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Mission: Find the Facettes

Since I was a little girl I wondered what my mission was. I moved from one opportunity to another without having a guiding direction. The only direction I had was to get me to Paris. But beyond that I didn't know what else I was supposed to do. 

I remember reading What Color is Your Parachute, doing all of the exercises and still coming up blank. 

I knew I liked art but didn't feel I was an artist. I wanted to help artists. I wanted to show off and expose their work more. But did that make me a gallerist? An art dealer? 

I explored those tracks a bit but I wasn't passionate or connected enough within the art world and didn't like the feeling of the auction houses, the galleries. It just wasn't for me.

But I did like reading and writing though about creative people. I started working as a journalist interviewing artists and designers and creators and eventually started a blog highlighting the work of hidden Parisian artisans. 

I got so much satisfaction out of digging around exploring the city, discovering a little showroom, knocking on the door, speaking with and learning about the particular gifts that someone had, and then weaving all of my discoveries into a story that honored their craft and gave them a platform for shining and spreading their light even wider. 

When I think back now, I was already on my path toward becoming a coach. And the mission I have today is like an older cousin of the mission I had back then.

In my work as a coach, the crowing jewel is the moment that the facettes of the inner diamond inside of my client start to sparkle. 

I feel sometimes like a archeologist who is digging around, extracting and removing the earth that's collected around a mysterious and enigmatic treasure. 

The treasure has always been buried in the earth, but the layers of soot accumulated over milions of years has stifled its shine.

My mission, my ultimate mission as a coach, is to help my clients feel and find those facettes inside of them so that they can then dust them off, cherish them, polish them and start letting them shine even brighter and wider with the world. 

I am grateful for you. I’m grateful for your facettes, whether they’re shining loud and bright right now or not, they’re in you and part of you and I appreciate them. 

PS. Part of my mission, once we've found my client's facettes is to work on making them stronger, brighter, more resilient and impactful. Which is why I want to introduce a new concept I have: interviewing my clients so that they can share their facettes, their innovations and their stories with you. So please join me for my first interview this upcoming Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 12h30 CET on Instagram for a Q&A conversation in French with my client Christelle Tissot Grosset who just launched a new media platform, Müsae.